Sunday, July 12, 2009

OK trying to get back into the habit, so Barry will be happy :)

Long time no post....
Anyway, Here are some from today. I made Joel a cape. I have to get the materials to make him a utility belt now...he is BATMAN!
He loves his superheros...I guess just like any other little boy :)

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Art Show @ FUMC Preschool

Joel's school had an art show last night to display some of the art they have done thus far this year. The theme was 'A Bug's life'. The hors d'oeuvres were gummy worms, bug ghram cracker cookies, and more bug snacks. It was fun. Here are a few pics.

The bug take home project. Each child was sent home with 3 small paper plates and asked to make a bug. There were alot of amazing bugs!!

Joel's is the lady bug. We glued felt to the plates and stuffed the bottom plate to make the lady bug puffy. We covered the other plate with felt and used brads to make moveable wings. This was a fun project!

Joel's Polar Bear project.

Joel's proud to be an American project. He is pround to be an American because he can play with Autobots and Transformers. (imagine that)

Joel's class made aliens. His is the one in the middle with 3 legs.

Joel's turkey is the one facing the right.

The entire school's bugs. Each child had a bug with their face on it. The teachers and staff did an amazing show putting it together.

Joel sitting on the pew waiting for us. I had put texture paste in his hair to make it stand up...and he pushed it all back down..except the pieces in the back lol

Spring is here!

Long time no post, so I have some good stuff to share.
Happy St Patrick's Day!

Joel and his best friend Harley on the Trampoline! Thank you Gram!

I can fly! And I am 'not lucky, just cute'

The cutest 2 kids that I know.